The Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance includes Accounting and Finance Accounting and Tax and Audit with great focus on Accounting Management and Finance in the public and private sector as well as civil society. These fields empower students’ knowledge to be professional assistance in management of an organization or institution.
In order to acquire fulfill potential Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, students are required to have background knowledge in English, Mathematics, Civics Study and Computer Administration.
Bachelor’s Degree Program in Accounting and Finance aims at
- Providing potentially effective knowledge in Accounting and Finance in response to career vacancies as well as local, national and international job markets
- Contributing to human resource development with the government to eliminate poverty via providing qualified educational services to help students fully succeed in job market competition and domestic business.
- Providing highly qualified education in Accounting and Finance with highly-respectable work ethic
- Educating students to be highly-confident with responsibility in order to be well-prepared for challenging job market in ASEAN Economic Integration context
- Providing convenient educational services through updated curriculum under ideal discussion among educational experts such as employers, professors, educational development boarders and stakeholders.
Upon graduation of Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, students will effectively be able to obtain Critical Thinking Skill and Knowledge in Analysis, Communication Skill, Responsibility, Mathematics, Information Technology and Communication as follows:
- Knowledge in theoretical forms and technical terms related with Accounting and Finance
- Knowledge in note-taking skill, measurement analysis and operation
- Knowledge in basic principles of accounting and processes in founding firms
- Knowledge in cash flow management to operate business successfully
- Knowledge in management of cash production, trade firms and service firms
- Knowledge in preparation of professional and standardized reports
- Knowledge in Accounting and Finance reports preparation based on basic knowledge of Accounting and Finance
- Knowledge in Accounting investment in exchange commission
- Knowledge in financial market and its tools
- Knowledge in expense-income management techniques and operation techniques in Accounting and Finance
- Knowledge in debts and properties management effectively
- Knowledge in evaluation of shares in firms
- Knowledge in database program operation techniques and analysis in Accounting
- Knowledge in potentially strategic techniques in Accounting and Finance research
- Knowledge in the importance of Accounting and Finance-related people such as investors and sellers
- Knowledge in distinguished analysis in Accounting and Finance-related environment
- Ability in analysis of career preparation through Accounting and Finance-related skills
- Ability in decision making, critical thinking skill and studying of financial factors being helpful to them
- Operation in analysis and practical-sharing experience related with theoretical skill to the surrounding stakeholders
- Ability in problem-solving skill with absolute responsibility responding to reducing risks in their analysis
- Ability in situational analysis and raise important issues for critical analysis with guidelines from secretaries and/or employers
- Ability in consulting Accounting and Financial sector and solving problem skill to avoid unexpected issues
- Being an entrepreneur applying professionalism to obtain success effectively
- Ability in critical thinking skill leading to practical performance in Accounting and Finance
- Ability in initial invention of career-plan preparation related with Accounting and Finance
- Undergoing changing from negative to positive attitude
- Ability in communication and interpersonal skill with customers to obtain success through speaking, gesturing, communicative writing, listening, negotiating, problem solving, debating and decision making
- Ability in flexible problem solving with issues and creating friendly working environment
- Ability in performing effective leadership, motivation and teamwork with absolute confidence and responsibility
- Ability in performing courteous personality in the public
- Ability in career plan preparation as an entrepreneur and in productive invention responding to risks in business activities management
- Ability in calculating mathematics in Accounting and Finance such as mathematics, financial mathematics and practical statistics
- Ability in using computer (Information Technology and Communication) computer skill for office and Accounting, loan management and research
- Knowledge in computer accounting and finance operation
- Ability in calculating skill of Accounting using automatic gadgets (calculator and computer)
- Ability in using English effectively in the field of Accounting and Finance
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance Program lasts 4 years including Foundation Year with total of 120 credits for successfully-graduated and thesis students. The study period lasts only 6 years at most, counting from the registration date. The study program structure is divided into two main categories. The first one is General Education (Foundation Year) and the other one is Major Education (Major Subjects). Each credit is determined as follows:
General Education (FoundationYear) = 30 credits
Major Education (Major Subjects) includes Core Major Subjects, Basic Major Subjects or
Elective Major Subjects. Major Subjects puts great emphasis on knowledge, comprehension and practical performance. Major Education consists of Major Subjects and Minor Subjects responding to 90 credits. The total credits of Major Education excludes General Knowledge, Computer, language and others.
4 Years = 8 Semesters for Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
- Foundation Year (Year 1) = 2 Semesters = 10 Subjects = 30 Credits
- Bachelor Degree (Year 2) = 2 Semesters = 10 Subjects = 30 Credits
- Bachelor Degree (Year 3) = 2 Semesters = 9 Subjects = 30 Credits
- Bachelor Degree (Year 4) = 2 Semesters = 9 Subjects = 30 Credits
Year | Semester | Course Title | Codes | Credits |
I | I | Psychology | B1011PSY | 1.5 |
Computer Administration | B811COM | 3 | ||
General Administration | B1012GAD | 3 | ||
Business English | B1013BEN | 3 | ||
Basic Marketing | B311BMK | 3 | ||
Principles of Accounting (1) | B111POA | 1.5 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
II | Global Studies | B1015GST | 1.5 | |
Business Mathematics | B1016MATH | 3 | ||
Introduction to Economics (Micro) | B611ITE | 3 | ||
Business English | B1014ENG | 3 | ||
Introduction to Business | B211ITB | 1.5 | ||
Principles of Accounting (2) | B112 POA | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
II | I | Principles of Management | B221PMG | 3 |
Business Statistics (1) | B1021BST | 3 | ||
Customer Service | B321CSV | 3 | ||
Company & Contract Law | B921CCL | 3 | ||
Financial Accounting | B121FIA | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
II | Marketing Management | B322MKM | 3 | |
Business Statistics (2) | B1022BST | 3 | ||
Human Resource Management | B222HRM | 3 | ||
Financial Management | B122FIM | 3 | ||
Cost Accounting | B123CAC | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
III | I | Office Management | B231OFM | 3 |
Managerial Accounting | B131MAC | 4.5 | ||
Intermediate Accounting (1) | B132IAC | 4.5 | ||
Cambodian Tax-Accounting | B133CTA | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
II | Macroeconomics | B631MAC | 3 | |
Corporate Finance | B535COF | 3 | ||
Intermediate Accounting (2) | B134IAC | 3 | ||
Inventory Management | B235INM | 3 | ||
Research Methodology | B1031REM | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
IV | I | International Financial Report Standard (1) | B141IFRS | 3 |
Principles of Auditing | B142PAU | 4.5 | ||
Investment Management | B543IVM | 3 | ||
Advanced Financial Accounting (1) | B143AFA | 4.5 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
II | International Financial Report Standard (2) | B144IFRS | 3 | |
International Accounting | B145INA | 3 | ||
Financial Statement Analysis | B146FSA | 3 | ||
Advanced Financial Accounting (2) | B147AFA | 3 | ||
Quick Book | B148QUB | 3 | ||
Total | 15 | |||
Grand Total | 120 | |||