Hotel and Turism


The Bachelor’s degree in Hotel and Tourism focuses on tourism industry, including hotels, motels, guesthouses, recreational centers, tour operators, restaurant services, resorts, tourism operations, etc. Through this major, learners are highly competent in applying their tourism-related knowledge and skills in both public and private institutions, community, and so on.


To successfully complete the Bachelor’s Program in Hotel and Tourism, candidates are required to have the underlying prerequisite knowledge including English, mathematics, history, and civic studies.


The associate program in Hotel and Tourism is designed for the following purposes:

  • Train human resources on Hotel and Tourism specialization, focusing on tourism industries including hotels, motels, guesthouses, recreational centers, tour operators and operations, etc.
  • Fulfill the needs for career and employment opportunities, as well as respond to the labor market in public institutions, the private sector, and civil society
  • Contribute to the development of human resources with the Royal Government in order to reduce the poverty of the citizens through the employment and students’ personal business.
  • Train students to gain knowledge of Hotel and Tourism specialty, both in the public and private institutions and civil society with the ability to perform efficiently and with high professional ethics.
  • Train students to be highly spirited responsibilities and prepared to compete in the job market
  • Facilitate students’ learning through the development of regular curricula with the cooperation of stakeholders such as representatives of public institutions, civil society organizations, employers, entrepreneurs, professors, students, and advisory councils.
  • Train students to be able to further Master’s degree


Upon the completion of the Bachelor’s degree in Hotel and Tourism, students will be able to gain knowledge, analytical skills, interpersonal skills and responsibilities, arithmetic, information technology and communication skills as detailed below:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the theory, methodology, tool, means, and technical vocabulary in hotel and tourism specialty
  • Develop an awareness of the basics of the composition of the hospitality and tourism industry
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the professional aspects of hotel and tourism such as job management, marketing, restaurant operations, food services, accommodation, interestingly fun events, and travel-related services.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the protocol operations in public and private sector and civil society organizations, especially in public institutions, as well as the preparation of all types of letters, standard letters, administrative letters and private letters.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of guest reception, hotel check-in procedures, hotel reservations in response to hotel accommodations and other processes in the hotel as well as service-related business in tourism.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the functional activities in relation to hotel, service activities and work arrangements, accommodation supply, food supply, payroll, and guest check-in and check-out processes, and other secondary roles
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the basics of food preparation, safety, food hygiene, food types, beverage services, restaurant services, and food industry facilities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates in foods with the flavored ingredients providing excellent quality food such as nutritious foods, organic meat, and natural beverages
  • Demonstrate an understanding of tourism influences on economy, environment, culture community and society
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of tour guides, roles and duties of the tour guide, as well as relationships between guides, travel agencies and other fundamaental services.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of eco-tourism impact on the economy, empowerment of culture, and cultural exchanges
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the work operations in the Front Office, the Housekeeping, and the Hotel Management
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the hotel business services, tourism business accommodation, and relationships between hotel and travel agencies as well as major and minor travel agency activities.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the legal letters on tourism, tourism industry management, tourism duty operations, and parties involved in implementing national and international laws that are in place to prevent negative impacts in tourism
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and the evolution of the hotel industry in the world, Cambodia, and potential tourist destinations in Cambodia with its natural tourism resources in both Southeast Asia and the world.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the obligations and duties of tourism and stakeholders in the tourism industry and justification for tourism equilibirum protection, and ecotourism biodiversity as well as planning of development and management of eco-tourism.
  • Execute administrative functions in public and private institutions and civil society organizations effectively.
  • Use the basics of speaking and acting as a professional guide
  • Build capacity of critical thinking skills and analytical skills to promote the services and maintenance of our country’s tourist destination and the natural cultural heritage
  • Establish the business relationship, negotiation, and dealing with all the incidents that occur in the business operations effectively through analytical knowledge and skills
  • Prepare plans for managing relationships and resolving any problems that arise during service delivery. Plan and prevent impending risks and incidents to tourists to take care of their properties, security and safety skillfully.
  • Use thinking and analyzing skills to understand the importance of tourism in the national economy, planning development, eco-tourism management and tourism destinations and to effectively attract inbound tourists’s interests.
  • Manage and develop tourism sustainably and contribute to the protection of the environment, natural resources, culture, traditions, customs, and religions as the basis for tourism services.
  • Effectively identify and operate through the use of knowledge to analyze the activities of the hotel
  • Identify the characteristics and activities of local tourists, foreign tourists and overseas outbound tourists in order to provide efficient service.
  • Effectively use thinking and analytical skills to determine methodology for preparing and calculating tour price, communication, and addressing irregularities in the tour operations and other services.
  • Identify tour sources and activities related to traveling, checking, and improving on the negative aspects of arranging, receiving and sending tours.
  • Use interpersonal communication skills in job leadership, team work coordinator, inspirational job, inspirational ideas, discussion, exchange of ideas, advocacy and intelligence in dealing with various challenges. – Can use specialized skills, build strong relationships and inspire employees and staff
  • Use interpersonal communication skills in leading team work, work coordination, work problem-solving, inititiation, discussion and exchange of ideas, listening, negotiation, debate, advocacy and intelligence in dealing with various challenges.
  • Be able to use specialized skills, build strong relationships, and inspire staff and team work
  • Using interpersonal communication skills and responsibility for hospitality services, reception of check-in procedures, hotel reservations, guest accommodation coordination, catering, guest check-out, and service-related operations effectively
  • Analyze the impact of tourism on politics, economy, environment, culture, community and society
  • Identify the roles and duties of tour guides with travel agencies, business, hotel services, business tour accommodation services, and communication between hotel and travel agency, as well as other basic services responsiblely
  • Provide services at different tourist locations
  • Calculate math through curriculum of hotel and tourism specialization such as business math, economics, financial math, and business statistics
  • Be able to use computer (information technology) such as computer administrative skills, computer hotel management, and tourism.
  • Be able to use English related to technical vocabulary in hotel and tourism specialty
  • Be able to to record, calculate and forecast hotel and tourism incomes and expenses.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel and Toursim consists of a 4-year curriculum, including Foundation Year with a total of credits of 120 credits for successful graduation state examination and writing thesis from the initial enrollment to not more than 6 years. Structure The program structure is divided into two main groups. The first group is general education subjects (Foundation Year), and the latter is specialized education subjects. The number of credits per group is as follows:

  • General Education Subjects (Foundaton Year)  = Total credit of 30 credits
  • Specialized education subjects (Major subjects) = for successful graduation state examination and writing thesis including core subjects and elective course. Specialized education subjects emphasize practical knowledge, awareness and practical application. The total number of credits in specialized education subjects consist of 90 credits for major subjects and minor subjects. The total number of credits of specialized education excludes foreign languages.
  • 4 years = 8 semesters for Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel and Tourism 
  • Foundation Year (year 1) = 2 semester = 12 subjects = 30 credits
  • Year 2                                   = 2 semester = 10 subjects = 30 credits
  • Year 3                                   = 2 semester = 09 subjects = 30 credits
  • Year 4                                   = 2 semesters = 08 subjects = 30 credits
  • Thesis                                                                                      = 60 credits
Year Semester Subjects Codes Credits
I I Psychology B1011PSY 1.5
Computer Administration B811COM 3
General Administration B1012GAD 3
Business English B1013BEN 3
Basic Marketing B311BMK 3
Principles of Accounting (1) B111POA 1.5
Total 15
II Global Studies B1015GST 1.5
Business Mathematics B1016MATH 3
Introduction to Economics (Micro) B611ITE 3
Business English B1014ENG 3
Introduction to Business B211ITB 1.5
Principles of Accounting (2) B112 POA 3
Total 15
II I Principles of Management B221PMG 3
Business Statistics (1) B1021BST 3
Customer Service B321CSV 3
Company & Contract Law B921CCL 3
Financial Accounting B121FIA 3
Total 15
II Marketing Management B322MKM 3
Business Statistics (2) B1022BST 3
Human Resource Management B222HRM 3
Financial Management B122FIM 3
Cost Accounting B123CAC 3
Total 15
III I Office Management B231OFM 3
Organizational Behavior B232OB 4.5
Supervision B233SUP 4.5
Project Management B234PM 3
Total 15
II Macroeconomics B631MAC 3
Project Proposal Writing B235PPW 3
Corporate Finance B535COF 3
Inventory Management B235INM 3
Research Methodology B1031REM 3
Total 15
IV I Entrepreneurship (1) B241ENT 3
Shipping Management B244SHM 4.5
Investment Management B543IVM 3
Production and Operation Management B243POM 4.5
Total 15
II Entrepreneurship (2) B242ENT 3
Strategic Management B245STM 4.5
Leadership B246LED 4.5
Microsoft Project Management B247MPM 3
Total 15
Grand Total 120